Thursday, 5 February 2015

HAIR LOSS Preventions

1.Be careful with layering styles that lose a lot of your hair. If you're already experiencing hair loss, don't speed it up by having the hairdresser remove more hair! However, careful layering can actually create a fuller look to the hair. Hair that is too long and all one length can pull the roots flat to the scalp and make the hair thinner.
2.Avoid brushing wet hair. This snaps off a lot of hair that could still be growing! If you must comb wet hair, use a very wide-toothedcomb.Also avoid brushing hair too frequently as doing so can injure hair and increase loss.Use your fingers to undotangles, not a comb or brush.Avoid rubbing hair vigorously with a towel after washing it. This can also lead to hair breakage. Pat it dry gently instead.
3.Avoid very low-calorie liquid diets. As well as depleting your energy in a major way, such diets can cause hair loss.Avoid eating raw egg whites. Not only can these harbor bacteria that can harm you, raw egg whites contain a substance that binds biotin. This prevents its absorption.
4.Be sure to getadequate sleep, the restorer of good health.Exercise regularly. Good as a stress reduction strategy, physical activity also encourages better circulation, including for your scalp.
5.Egg oil massage. Regularly massage yourscalp with egg oil. Egg oil is an excellent natural solution to all round hair care to prevent hair fall, treat dandruff, arrest graying, moisturize the scalp and promote new healthy hair growth
6.Avoid too much exposure of your hair to sunlight. Avoid hot hair styling tools, as they damage hair and can cause split ends, leading to breakage.Dandruff shampoos containing zinc have been shown to promote modest hair growth.Sleep with braided hair rather than keeping it out. You will pull less on the hair as you toss and turn during sleeping.Don't always leave your hair open. It makes the hair collect dirt and increases chances of dandruff. 

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