Sunday, 1 February 2015


Hello friends after some healthy weight loose and gain now we will talk about one of the main diesease which is basically very common in both male and female. 


Hair loss or baldness(technically known asalopecia) is a loss of hair from the head or body.Baldness can refer to general hairloss.Some types of baldness can be caused by alopecia areata, anautoimmune disorder. The extreme forms of alopecia areata arealopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, andalopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

Baldness is the partial or complete lack of hair growth, and part of the wider topic of"hair thinning". The degree and pattern of hairloss varies, but its most common cause is androgenic alopecia,alopecia androgenetica, or alopecia seborrheica, with the last term primarily used in Europe.These difficult names which are responsible fot hair loss is very common now a days especially in INDIA.

Hair Loss can have many causes, including fungal infection ,traumatic damage, such as by compulsive pulling ,as a result of radio therapy or chemotherapy, andas a result of nutritional deficiencies such asIron deficiency, and as a result of auto ammune phenomena.

There are various CAUSES of hair loss and also there are TREATMENTS which we will discuss in another post and from where you will get your appropriate result.

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